
时间:2019年11月10日 来源:

沈阳乙酰化组蛋白H3抗体满减, 默克**抗体 货号:07-352 产品名:Anti-ACETYL-HIST H3 (LYS9) Antibody 高文献引用率:ACETYL-HIST H3 (LYS9) 抗体文献引用率位居**。(数据来自CiteAb网站)。 多种实验验证:WB,抗体, Mplex, ChIP-seq, ChIP。 多种属验证:H, Vrt, Yeast (S. cerevisiae)。 提供多种直标抗体:-AF488, -AF647 提供25ug小包装

上海益启生物科技有限公司(简称:益启生物 , Shanghai Advantage Biological co .,Ltd 公司正式于2015年成立,总部位于上海,从事生命科学领域的试剂耗材供应商,经过快速发展,成为MerckMillipore、SIGMA、Mpbio等国内外**品牌的官方授权一级代理,保持良好的合作关系。客户主要覆盖华东地区科研和经销用户。 产品所涉及的研究 领域涵盖免疫学、信号通路、**研究、细胞研究、***筛选、干细胞研究、神经生物学、表观遗传学等等,为广大的科研研究用户提供完整解决方案。 曾获得代理品牌华东销售抗体精英奖、比较好市场开拓奖、比较好进步奖取得行业认可。 销售团队**价值观:责任心、执行率、效率 公司使命:助力中国生命科学领域,为科研研究产业做贡献! 为员工创造美好事业和生活!与员工共同成长! 公司荣获奖项 2017年:MERCK公司授予我司2016年度比较好市场推广奖 2018年:MERCK公司授予我司2017年度比较好销售业绩奖

When 尾-catenin was sequenced it was found to be a member of the armadillo family of proteins. These proteins have multiple copies of the so-called armadillo repeat domain which is specialized for protein-protein binding. An increase in 尾-catenin production has been noted in those people who have Basal Cell Carcinoma and leads to the increase in proliferation of related tumors. When 尾-catenin is not associated with cadherins and 伪-catenin, it can interact with other proteins such as Catenin Beta Interacting Protein 1 (ICAT) and adenomatosis polyposis coli (APC).

沈阳乙酰化组蛋白H3抗体满减, Catenins are proteins found in complexes with cadherin cell adhesion molecules of animal cells. The first two catenins that were identified became known as α-catenin and β-catenin. α-catenin can bind to β-catenin and can also bind actin. β-catenin binds the cytoplasmic domain of some cadherins.


沈阳乙酰化组蛋白H3抗体满减, 参考文献: Loss of β-catenin in resident cardiac fibroblasts attenuates fibrosis induced by pressure overload in mice. In Nature Communications on 28 September 2017 by Xiang, F. L., Fang, M., et al.Merlin controls the repair capacity of Schwann cells after injury by regulating Hippo/YAP activity.In The Journal of Cell Biology on 1 February 2017 by Mindos, T., Dun, X. P., et al.BMP restricts stemness of intestinal Lgr5(+) stem cells by directly suppressing their signature genes. In Nature Communications on 6 January 2017 by Qi, Z., Li, Y., et al.. Phosphorylation by NLK inhibits YAP-14-3-3-int

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