
时间:2020年02月05日 来源:

Paramotor (动力伞) 源自英文

Paragliding(滑翔伞)和motor(摩托)。顾名思义,动力伞是在滑翔伞上加配了动力装置。1978年,法国登山家贝登先生成明了滑翔伞,使人类翱翔蓝天的梦想得以实现。然而,人们在欢喜之余发现,滑翔伞的飞翔与梦想中的自由飞翔仍有距离,**主要的一点就是不能在平地自由起降,起飞受山坡条件的制约,更使没有山峰地区的飞行爱好者感到难受。1984年,一群充满浪漫与幻想的法国滑翔伞爱好者,给滑翔伞加挂了一个小型发动机,利用发动机带动螺旋桨的推力和滑翔伞伞翼的升力,使平地“自由起降”不再成为问题,达到了自己飞得更高、更远,留空时间更长的目的,从而创立了这项新兴的航空体育项目。 沈阳越野动力伞

The larger the pilot, the larger the size

of the wing and thrust required to launch. Most individuals in reasonably good

health can foot-launch a paramotor and there are even pilots with artificial

joints foot launching. Individuals that may have issues with the physical

aspect of foot launching may opt to add a trike or quad to their paramotor. A

trike or quad is a platform to which the paramotor can be attached so it can be

launched from wheels like a regular aircraft or powered parachute.







The paramotor, weighing from 45 to 90 lb

(20 to 41 kg) is supported by the pilot during takeoff. After a brief run

(typically 10 ft (3.0 m)) the wing lifts the motor and its harnessed pilot off

the ground. After takeoff, the pilot gets into the seat and sits suspended

beneath the inflated paraglider wing like a pendulum. Control is available

using brake toggles for roll and a hand-held throttle for pitch.


Powered paragliding has seen a large growth

in the military including insertion of special forces soldiers and also Border

Patrol in many governments. The Lebanese Airborne regiment adopted this

technique in 2008, and the US Army, and Egyptian Army have used Paramotor Inc

FX Series units for many years.


In most countries, paramotor pilots operate

under simple rules that spare them certification requirements for pilot and

gear. Those laws, however, limit where they can fly—specifying that pilots

avoid congested areas and larger airports to minimize risk to other people or

aircraft. U.S. pilots operate under Federal Aviation Administration regulation

Part 103.


In the U.S., the sport is represented

primarily by the US Powered Paragliding Association (USPPA)[note 1] which also

holds an exemption allowing two-place training by appropriately certified

tandem instructors. The US Ultralight Association (USUA) and Aero Sports

Connections (ASC) also offer some support.

Instructors in the U.S. are primarily

represented and certified by the United States Powered Paragliding

Association(USPPA). Other organizations include the Professional Association of

Powered Paragliding Instructors (***PI).



In many countries, including the United

States, powered paragliding is minimally regulated and requires no licence. The

ability to fly both low and slow safely, the 'open' feel, the minimal equipment

and maintenance costs, and the portability are claimed to be this type of

flying's greatest merits.[1]

Powered paragliders usually fly between 15

to 50 mph (24 to 80 km/h) at altitudes from 'foot-dragging on the water' up

about to 18,000 ft (5,500 m) or more with certain permission although most

flying is done under 500 ft (150 m) AGL.[2] Due to the paramotor's slow forward

speed and nature of a soft wing, it is not safe in high winds, turbulence, or

intense thermal activity.


上海翼舞航空科技有限公司成立于2017-03-08 00:00:00,注册资本:30-50万元。该公司生产型的公司。翼舞是一家一人有限责任公司企业,一直贯彻“以人为本,服务于社会”的经营理念;“质量高速,诚守信誉,持续发展”的质量方针。公司目前拥有***员工5人以下人,具有[ "动力伞", "滑翔伞", "飞行", "热汽球" ]等多项业务。翼舞自成立以来,一直坚持走正规化、专业化路线,得到了广大客户及社会各界的普遍认可与大力支持。

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